Monday, August 10, 2009

Baby Brendan & Ben's Black Thumb

My MOH, best friend, and "adopted" sister, Sarah, is expecting her first child, a boy to be named Brendan, on October 29, 2009.  I am absolutely excited, because this will be like gaining a nephew to me!  I've known Sarah 18 years, and we've gone through so much together and now we are both about to have big events happen in our lives.  I can't wait to be there!

Sarah recently moved up to Gainesville.  I decided this past weekend to go and see her.  So, Friday night, I decided to go on a shopping spree for the baby.  I bought a ton of cute clothes, a baby sling, a bouncer, some pacifiers, a good quality bottle, and industrial size boxes of diapers and baby wipes.  All for $109.  Gotta love Wal-Mart!

Ben and I drove up Saturday morning, and stayed the night.  We enjoyed some good southern hospitality, courtesy of Sarah's grandmother, who is like a surrogate grandma to me.  We went to the movies and saw "Julie & Julia"...didn't like it at all.  There were tons of older folk there who were constantly laughing, and we didn't understand what was so funny.  Everyone we've talked to about the movie says that it's because we've never watched the real Julia Child, so we wouldn't have understood the humor.  I'm happy with my modern-day chefs on television, because Julia Child seemed to be really uptight and unappreciative of her fans.

That night, Ben managed to slam his thumb in Sarah's car door, causing it to turn black under the nail.  I can empathize greatly.  I had a real huge one in my thumb last year as well, and they are absolutely painful.  The night we got back from Gainesville, we ended up going and having a hole burned into the nail to relieve the pressure from the hematoma.  It looks so much better now, but I'm pretty certain the nail is gonna fall off.  Looks like we'll be strategically covering that thumb in our wedding pictures!  For now, I'm on his butt reminding him to periodically put ice on it and soak it in Epsom salt.

I have a job interview tomorrow night!  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

We're both registered for the fall semester.  We're both taking 2 classes.  I decided to go part time because I felt it was really important for me to work full time to help support our new little family.  Ben will be substitute teaching on a daily basis up in Pinellas County until he's able to find a full-time teaching job.  He's also only 4 classes away from receiving his Master's in Social Studies Education for USF.  I am hoping to transfer to USF in the Spring to begin working on my core courses to get my Bachelor's in Social Work.  It's been taking me so long in school because it's been difficult for me to settle on a major, but I've discovered multiple possibilities with a degree in social work that I love to pursue as a career, so I've FINALLY found my calling!  Well, I believe my biggest calling is to be a mother, but that's a whole other story!


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